Prof. Muhammad Kashif

Resource Person

Prof. Muhammad Kashif is working as Assistant Professor, Business School at GIFT University, Pakistan. With 15 years of full-time teaching and research experience, he has published 50 articles in internationally acclaimed journals. These journals include Personnel Review, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, International Journal of Bank Marketing, TQM Journal, Journal of Management Development, British Food Journal, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, International Journal of Consumer Marketing, and the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics as few to name. He worked with the British Food Journal as Guest Editor to successfully launch a call for papers on food anti-consumption. For Emerald Publishing, he works as a brand ambassador for Pakistan where the core role is to increase awareness among Pakistani academics concerning research methods and publications in international journals. In his role as a trainer, he delivered various seminars and workshops all across Pakistan and in Indonesian, Morocco, and Sri Lankan universities.